Support on offer at St Mary’s

St. Mary’s Catholic Academy can offer support.

​You can speak to:
Your child’s teacher or teaching assistant
The SENCo (Special Education Needs and Disability Co-ordinator) – Linda Valencia
The School Nurse – via the school office
Our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) – Clare Hodgkinson

The School Nurse

The School Nurse can offer support with any health concerns you have about your child that does not require emergency treatment for example behaviour, continence problems, dental care, diet and nutrition, healthy weight, emotional/mental health.

To get in touch with the School Nurse a referral form can be made on your behalf by either your child’s teacher or the SENCo.

You can also ring Nottingham Health and Care Point 0300 131 300 and select option 5 to speak to a service provider – ask to make a referral to a school nurse.  Alternatively you can visit the website and make an online referral 

We do try and have School Nurse drop in sessions for parents and carers each term so look out for letters and text messages notifying you about these.