Our Curriculum

We are proud to have a knowledge-based curriculum which promotes good attitudes to learning, high standards and high achievements for all children. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school.

Our curriculum has been designed to encompass knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live, and also the events that have shaped it in the past to make it what it is today. The topics have been designed to complement and build on one another with clear progression and links so that in subsequent year groups, children will be able to explore concepts deeper, applying their knowledge in different contexts. We are a school who strives for greatness and strongly believes that all children can achieve better than their best, whatever their starting points.

Additional Curriculum Information

There are many places you can find out about our curriculum further, especially for those of you whose children attend St Mary’s school.  You can:

  • Read the most recent class newsletter – found on your child’s class page
  • Talk to your child’s class teacher for specific personalised information
  • Read and chat with your child about what they are learning using the Chatterbox prompts – sent by email to parents each week.

If you require any further information about our curriculum, please contact the school office by emailing: admin@smca.nottingham.sch.uk