School Meals

School meals are provided by Aspens who pride themselves in offering high-quality, fresh and healthy food. Each day there are four menu options.The children order their meal at registration each day so that meals can be prepared to order. A salad bar and selection of deserts are available every day.  

As part of the Government’s Universal Free School Meals offer, all children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal each day.

For children in Key Stage 2, the cost of a School Dinner is currently £2.60 per day (unless your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding).

Free School Meals/Pupil Premium

Some families with children in Key Stage 2 are entitled to receive a free school meal through the Government’s Pupil Premium Funding. This service is provided by Derbyshire County  Council.

Click here to check whether you are eligible

or scan the QR code